Explore the Future of Nonprofit Innovation

The Responsive Lab Podcast dives into how technology is reshaping nonprofit-donor engagement. Explore the cutting-edge tools that simplify your workflow, supercharge your team, and keep your donors coming back for more.

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How Marketing Automation Accelerates Philanthropic Impact

Tune into this episode to learn how Verland utilized marketing automation to increase giving by 345%.

Generosity Reimagined Title Card

Generosity Reimagined with Dr. Bertrhude Albert

Tune into the latest episode on the Responsive Nonprofit Podcast as Dr. Bertrhude Albert shares a vision for generosity reimagined!

Podcast Title Cards for Video 1

Donor engagement insights: Top 3 from Giving USA 2023

Read about the practical donor engagement insights learned from the Giving USA 2023 Report.

Ep 91 Data Driven Strategies for the Nonprofit Sector

What Giving USA 2023 Tells Us About Nonprofit Data

Learn about The Giving USA 2023 report highlights including several key points and trends from the past year in philanthropy.


Boost Donor Retention Rate with a Strong Value Proposition

Donor retention rate is a major indicator of success, yet nonprofits struggle to connect with donors. How can nonprofits overcome this challenge? Read it here.

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The 8 Reasons Why Nonprofits Measure Impact

John Mark Vanderpool, Co-Founder of Social Impact Solutions, shares his expertise and 8 reasons why nonprofits should measure impact.

Grow generosity with Virtuous

Virtuous is the responsive fundraising software platform proven to help nonprofit organizations increase generosity by serving all donors personally, no matter their gift size.

“Virtuous truly understands nonprofits and the importance of our mission. And their open access to data and built-in custom reports gave us access to the data we need.”
Todd Shinabarger​
Chief Information Officer