Explore the Future of Nonprofit Innovation

The Responsive Lab Podcast dives into how technology is reshaping nonprofit-donor engagement. Explore the cutting-edge tools that simplify your workflow, supercharge your team, and keep your donors coming back for more.

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[Podcast] Dave Raley on Creating Experiences That Inspire Generosity

The Modern Nonprofit Podcast – Creating experiences that inspire generosity Dave Raley is the EVP of Analytics, Innovation & Strategy at Masterworks, a full-service marketing agency committed to helping nonprofits...


[Podcast] Carly Berna on Raising Awareness via Broadcast

This week’s episode of The Modern Nonprofit Fundraiser Podcast is about the art of nonprofit marketing. Host Gabe Cooper welcomes Carly Berna, the Director of Marketing at Jewish Voice, a...


[Podcast] Brad Davies on Utilizing Tech to Improve Fundraising Strategies

  Utilizing Technology to Improve Fundraising Strategies This week, Brad Davies, Fundraiser in Chief at Hatch Fundraising, joined Virtuous CEO Gabe Cooper on The Modern Nonprofit Fundraiser Podcast to discuss...


[Podcast] Trent Dunham on Misconceptions nonprofits have about fundraising

  Closing the Impact Gap of Nonprofits There are countless nonprofits around the world that aren’t reaching their full potential, with a gap widening between what their impact is and...


[Podcast] Nicole Johansson and Sheryl Root from OneHope

  Developing a Culture of Giving at OneHope Today’s nonprofits set audacious goals to make the world a better place. That certainly is the case for OneHope, an organization that...


[Podcast] Emily Lesko on Using Data to Unlock Great Giving Experiences

  Using Data to Unlock Great Giving Experiences Check out the teaser video and scroll to the bottom for the full episode. This week, Emily Lesko, VP of Digital Business...

Grow generosity with Virtuous

Virtuous is the responsive fundraising software platform proven to help nonprofit organizations increase generosity by serving all donors personally, no matter their gift size.

“Virtuous truly understands nonprofits and the importance of our mission. And their open access to data and built-in custom reports gave us access to the data we need.”
Todd Shinabarger​
Chief Information Officer