
[Podcast] Cameron Ripley On Nonprofit Marketing


Cameron Ripley joins the Responsive Fundraising podcast to discuss the latest trends in nonprofit marketing. During our conversation we discuss the lessons learned from hundreds of nonprofit marketing campaigns in 2020, the essentials of successful, digital-first fundraising plans, and what organizations must double down on as they plan their go-forward digital strategies.

Cameron is the CEO and Founder of Community Boost Consulting, a digital marketing agency that exists to empower social ventures changing the world. Trusted by the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Foundation, the Trevor Project, United Ways, Humane Societies and hundreds of other great causes from around the world, Community Boost has been committed to helping nonprofits drive more meaningful conversions online since 2012.

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What you should do now

Below are three ways we can help you begin your journey to building more personalized fundraising with responsive technology.

See the Virtuous platform in action.  Schedule a call with our team for personalized answers and expert advice on transforming your nonprofit with donor management software.

Download our free Responsive Maturity Model and learn the 5 steps to more personalized donor experiences.

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The Responsive Maturity Model
5 Steps to More Personalized Donor Experiences
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