
The Responsive Nonprofit Podcast

The Responsive Nonprofit Podcast explores the changing landscape of fundraising and philanthropy. From donor trends, nonprofit growth strategies, and mission transformation—we’ll dive deep into the mind (and hearts) of responsive nonprofit leaders.


[Podcast] M. Gale & Associates On The Power of Listening To Fuel Fundraising Results

and join the to discuss the unique challenges nonprofit teams must overcome in 2020, the importance of listening to fuel fundraising activities, and how organizations must pivot plans and shift...


[Podcast] Tony Smercina and Travis DeRamcy on Annual Fund & Major Donor Development

Two experienced development leaders from join to share strategies to deepen donor relationships and unpack the needed partnership required between annual fund and major gift development teams.  , the AVP...


[Podcast] Kelsie Smith On Using Collaboration To Grow Your Nonprofit's Impact

joins to share the inside view on the opportunities nonprofits have access to through collaboration with community foundations, corporations, other nonprofits, and local community philanthropists. We discuss what modern philanthropists...


[Podcast] Ryan Brown on Full Heart Donor Development

, stock broker turned nonprofit development professional, joins to share how Food for the Hungry cultivates lasting donor relationships. We discuss the power of "full heart" donor development, the need...


[Podcast] Justin Ellis from Thompson On Transformational Giving

  On this episode, Justin Ellis took us into the trenches to see how a successful VP of Development approaches their work amidst uncertain times. We discussed the importance of...


[Podcast] Justin Ellis from Thompson On Transformational Giving

joins and takes us into the trenches and see how a successful VP of Development approaches their work amidst uncertain times. We discuss the importance of development staff being data-driven...

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“Virtuous truly understands nonprofits and the importance of our mission. And their open access to data and built-in custom reports gave us access to the data we need.”
Todd Shinabarger
Chief Information Officer