
Knoxville, TN
Faith, International / Foreign Affairs
Data Hygiene, Database

About Solertiae

Sōlertiae is a Latin word meaning ingenuity. Our name captures our mission; we rely on ingenuity, creativity, and our technological knowledge to solve operational problems for underserved organizations with limited resources.

We recognize that technology has the potential to greatly improve our daily lives and work, enabling us to concentrate on our goals while simplifying operations. With our extensive experience assisting organizations similar to yours, we comprehend the significance of selecting the most suitable tools.

Our Services include:

Grow generosity with Virtuous

Virtuous is the responsive fundraising software platform proven to help nonprofit organizations increase generosity by serving all donors personally, no matter their gift size.

“Virtuous truly understands nonprofits and the importance of our mission. And their open access to data and built-in custom reports gave us access to the data we need.”
Todd Shinabarger
Chief Information Officer