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What you should do now

Below are three ways we can help you begin your journey to building more personalized fundraising with responsive technology.

See the Virtuous platform in action.  Schedule a call with our team for personalized answers and expert advice on transforming your nonprofit with donor management software.

Download our free Responsive Maturity Model and learn the 5 steps to more personalized donor experiences.

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The Responsive Maturity Model
5 Steps to More Personalized Donor Experiences
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Actionable tips and insights for personalizing donor engagement with responsive fundraising.
Data Quality: Why It Matters and What to Do About It

Data Quality: Why It Matters and What to Do About It

You might want to be sure you’re sitting down for this: In 2016, the Harvard Business Review reported that poor-quality data cost US businesses $3.1 trillion annually. That was nearly…
How to Sell Your CRM Conversion Internally: A Strategic Guide

How to Sell Your CRM Conversion Internally: A Strategic Guide

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can be the lifeblood of a nonprofit organization. It impacts employees, donors, and processes. The right nonprofit CRM can make your job easier, allowing…
Virtuous Experiences Strong Growth in Q2 2024

Virtuous Experiences Strong Growth in Q2 2024

PHOENIX, July 17, 2024—Virtuous, the leading Responsive Fundraising platform for nonprofit organizations, announced today strong results in Q2 2024. The Phoenix-based company continues rapidly acquiring new customers while maintaining strong…

Grow generosity with Virtuous.

Virtuous is the responsive fundraising software platform proven to help nonprofit organizations increase generosity by serving all donors personally, no matter their gift size.

“Virtuous truly understands nonprofits and the importance of our mission. And their open access to data and built-in custom reports gave us access to the data we need.”
Todd Shinabarger​
Chief Information Officer